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Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm in Franklin, North Carolina for the day. I just passed the GA/NC border then the hundred mile mark in quick succession. I've been rolling with the same guys for the past four days. Brian, Gonzo, Last on the Bus, and Country Gold. Bunch of clowns. Been putting in more miles so I'm pretty tired. I found a John Grisham book in a shelter. Think I'll go sit out in the sun and read it. Here are some pictures from the trip so far.

Baby Grumps.

Controlled burn. Later that day the smoke settled over the mountain I was on and I had to walk through it for a few miles. That was the same day that the bugs started biting. Good times.

The silly little town of Helen.

One of the fancier shelters. Home sweet home.

Often-pretty hiking.

The tree that marks the GA/NC line.

Mr. Needs-a-shower-more-than-usual.

Trail wisdom for the week: "Never make a big decision on a rainy day." -Some guy.


  1. Thats a pretty nice shelter. Where'd the cat come from? Did you eat it and use the fur for moleskin? I'll be disapointed if you didnt.

  2. That last picture is why you tell people not to touch the bed-spread in hotel rooms. How did you get so dirty? One would think you would cover more ground each day if you weren't crawling the whole time, but it's a different world I guess.
    Also, Helen is apparently a larger version of the town you place around your Lionel train set for Christmas. I feel like if you took another picture of it I would see a giant Buffy trampling the town as the frozen pedestrians gleefully watched and sang carols. We should visit the town in December and see what happens.

    Get some rest. Clean yourself up (or get dirty enough that it looks like you are wearing pants - you're pretty close) and Happy Trails! (get it?)

  3. Hi Grumps,

    Just enjoying your blog from the hotel at Fontana Dam Village (really nice and only $15/each if you go foursies on a room). Hope you're having a good time with your new trail buddies. Maybe see you up the trail near Erwin, TN? I'll be slowing down to hike with a friend for a week around there.


  4. Dear Grumps, Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. How do you celebrate on the trail?

  5. Nick,
    I will be following you everystep of the way now that my son Joe aka Kashmir gave me your website. Why did you renew your PA driver's license when you will be hiking for 6 months :)?
    not exactly sure what Joe did for the 3 weeks post Domino's before AT.rest????
